When your order is accepted, the screen will display an Estimated Delivery Time. This is a calculation of when the platform anticipates your delivery to arrive at your drop-off address.

The time is based on a number of variables and factors about your order – food preparation time, Postmate location, your distance from the pickup location, traffic, and other factors. Because of this, the time can change as the delivery progresses. For instance if the Postmate is close to the pickup location and your order is ready quickly, the Estimated Delivery Time could go down. On the flip side if the restaurant or store takes a longer time to prepare your order than anticipated, the Estimated Delivery Time could go up. We do this so that you have the most accurate possible delivery timeframe.

As soon as your Postmate has indicated that they are on their way to your drop-off address, you will see the map tracking the Postmate to your location so you can keep tabs on your order.

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